Tattoo Aftercare

How well your tattoo holds up depends on the care and treatment your tattoo receives within the first few days. Make sure your hands have been washed thoroughly before caring for your new tattoo.

  1. After 2 to 4 Hours…

    …remove the bandage and wash your tattoo immediately with warm water and a mild scent free soap, using just your hands. Pat dry and apply a small amount of A&D or Aquaphore Ointment. Rub it in and Wipe it off. You only need a super thin layer of ointment on your tattoo. Do not re-bandage your tattoo.

  2. Use A&D Ointment for the first 3 days.

    Apply a small thin layer over the tattoo every 2 to 3 hours or about 5 to 6 times a day. It is important to keep the tattoo protected and properly moisturized at all times for proper healing.

  3. Switch to a moisturizer after 3 days.

    Use a fragrance free lotion such as Curel® or Lubriderm®. Apply a thin layer to the tattoo keeping it moisturized at all times. Use your moisturizer for 2 to 3 weeks.

  4. Wash your tattoo 3 times a day.

    Wash your new tattoo in the morning, at noon, and at night for the first 10 days.

  5. After 3 weeks…

    Stop using your moisturizer for 2 to 3 days. This allows the tattoo to dry out some.

  6. After the tattoo dries out…

    You may use a moisturizer as needed. Tattoos take about 4 to 6 weeks to fully heal.

  7. Longterm…

    Moisturized skin is healthy skin. Moisturizing your skin will not only make your tattoos pop but promote healthy skin. It is also recommended to use sunscreen on your tattoos to help protect them from fading and distorting.

  8. DO NOT…

  • Submerged your new tattoo in any water. No hot tubs, oceans, lakes, rivers, or pools. This can lead to infection and can ruin your tattoo.

  • Tan during the healing process. Direct sunlight is not good for your healing tattoo. Try and keep it covered. After 6 weeks of healing sunlight is ok but sunscreen is recommended.